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A Big Salute To The Ten Daredevils Who Overcame Their Impairments And Impacted The Society With Their Personal Intuition And Extraordinary Acts

They blossomed to explore the hidden celebrity in themselves, they influenced our culture by striking revolutions and overall, they actualized us that WE CAN DO IT to live out on our dreams, despite of physical barriers- 10. Sudha Chandran:  A lady of sheer determination, Sudha Chandran is counted among one of the most celebrated Bharatnatyam dancers of the Indian subcontinent. Holder of master degree in Economics, her right leg was amputated in 1981, due to Gangrene but this lady of incredible will-power defeated her impairment and fixed an artificial leg. After slow down of two years, she was back in her profession with the thunderous applause across the world. Apart from her dancing skills, she is also known for her astounding performances in Indian movies and television series .   9. Patrick Henry Hughes: What more can I say about this dynamic and inspiring soul? This multi-instrumental musician was born blind on March 10, 1988, along with crippled lim...